
Care Funding Help & Advice

The Funding for Domiciliary Care can come from a variety of sources including:

  • Privately: It may be that you are able to fund the service privately because you have savings of over £23,500.00
  • Government Funding: Social Services may be able to provide full or split funding through direct payments, or via a personal budget allocated by the local authority. This may be because you do not have savings over £23,500.00

Direct payments

Direct Payments are cash payments given to customers in lieu of community care services they have been assessed as needing, and are intended to give customers greater choice in their care. The payment must be sufficient to enable the customer to purchase services to meet their needs, and must be spent on services that customers need.

The Government has said that everyone who is eligible will be allocated a 'Personal Budget' from April 2009.

People can use this money to purchase services that meet their needs and help them to achieve their outcomes. The money can be managed in a number of ways by:

  • The person themselves via direct payment
  • A representative (an independent living trust, broker or provider organisation)
  • Adult social services or
  • A mixture of the above

Thank you for all the wonderful personal care you gave my mum in the last few years of her life.

Mrs Phillips

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